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The Property Assessed Clean Energy loan program attaches the solar loan to your property not you as the building owner. The loan is paid back thru your property taxes; if you sell the property then the solar system remains with the asset. $0 upfront financing with no personal guarantees
Operating Lease
An Operating Lease is great for a building owner who is not looking for the tax benefits but would like to go solar. The leasor receives the federal tax credit and the depreciation benefit while the leasee enjoys the fixed payment for the solar system. Typically there is a buy out amount at the conclusion of the Operating Lease so that the leasee will own the system. The Leasee can write off these lease payments as an annual expense.
Capital Lease
A Capital Lease allows for a building owner to go solar while also maintaining the tax benefits. The Capital Lease is very similar to a loan except it is not debt on your Balance Sheet.
Commercial Loan
A Commercial Loan is always an option but it becomes debt on your balance sheet.
Cash Purchase
Of course, paying cash for a solar system is always an option that can be considered. The goal is a short pay back period with a strong Internal Rate of Return.

Energy Efficiency

Solar System
