When you think about it, it seems like the most practical source of energy out there. It’s renewable, abundant in most climates, and it has little to no adverse affects on the atmosphere. The sun powers almost every other life form on the planet, so instead of spending millions and destroying the Earth drilling for fossil fuels, why not use the most powerful existing energy source – The sun.
“The technology has been around for at least a century, and it’s becoming more necessary that we take advantage of it.”
1. It’s Cheap In The Long Term – Become Your Own Energy Station & Less Dependant On Foreign Oil
Why take the time to convert your home to solar power? Well, first off, the initial investment costs of solar power are still pretty high, but over time the technology pays for itself, and once it’s paid off the initial start up costs solar power is cheap, renewable, and in constant supply. What’s not to love about free energy? You’ll never have to pay for electricity again!
2. Average Solar Panels Last 20 – 30 Years
Solar panels are extremely durable and long lasting. Investing into the right type of solar panels will last you on average 20 to 30 or more years with little to no maintenance.
3. Installation Is Easy And You Can Expand Over Time
With solar, you can start off small and add to your system over time as your budget increases. Eventually you’ll have enough power for all your appliances, hot water, lightning – you name it.
4. Federal, State, Provincial And Utility Tax Incentives & Rebates
If you purchase solar panels, whether you live in the United States, Canada, Europe, etc. it is common that each country has their own federal, state/provincial tax incentives, as well as utility rebates. Check out our Educational Sites, Tax Credits and Rebates page for more information.
5. Payback Can Be Quick – Solar Panels Pay For Themselves!
Depending on how much solar energy you use, and also depending on how much conventional heating costs rise, solar energy can quickly pay off the initial cost. This is especially true with the rising costs of conventional fuels, making heating bills rise in virtually every first world country.
6. It’s Unlimited!
As long as our sun is around (and if it isn’t there isn’t much hope for us anyways) there will be solar power available. The only true limitation on solar power is location, and even then there are is solar energy present, just not at the same volumes as equatorial locales.
7. Solar Power Stands Alone
Solar and other renewable energy sources are capable of standing alone, ie. without being connected to a power or natural gas grid. So for those of you looking to move to the boonies, or if you’re a fan of camping in the wilderness, solar power sources don’t need the infrastructure required by much of our current energy suppliers. (This is of course assuming that you’re not taking a trip to the arctic any time soon).
8. To Be Green – Making Intelligent Decisions And Doing Your Part For The Planet!
For some people, including us here at HomeSolarEnergy this is the most important aspect of solar energy: it doesn’t harm the environment! Solar power can replace the use of conventional fuels, coal, and nuclear energy sources, which are harmful, or potentially harmful to the environment. The use of solar energy also proportionally decreases the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere. Widespread adoption of solar technology has the power to ebb the effects of global warming.